Gaisapp accompagne les étrangers vivant au Japon.
T +81 3-6228-0924
Email: [email protected]
169-0072 Tokyo, Shinjuku, Okubo, 2-10-02 Yamazaki Bld. 202
Agency : Livmo Co., Ltd (株式会社Livmo)
Leader : Yuki Minamoto (源 侑輝)
Property Transaction Permit issued by the Governor of Tokyo (1) No. 98974
宅地建物取引業者免許 東京都知事
Yuki Minamoto founded the Livmo agency in 2011. The origin of the name, contraction of "Live is More", comes from the idea of giving greater importance to the quality of its housing. Finding accommodation that suits one's personality and budget is a difficult task, but it is the real estate agencies that have the importance of guiding customers in this market.
Arriving in Japan in 2011, Jean-Marc Boyer formerly managed the website Total Manga, dedicated to Japanese culture. He has the idea to create Gaisapp by noticed the difficulties faced by most foreigners living in Japan. He founded the company Maruku Consulting in 2017, co-founder of Gaisapp, a company that provides assistance to companies coming to Japan, the Gaisapp professional part. Jean-Marc is also an advisor to SMRJ, the Japanese SME Support Organization, under the Japan Ministry of Commerce and Industry.